Vol. 12 No.5 - June 1992 Jun 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 12 No.5 (1992) June1992Larry Jewett's Bovine Waiting RoomHerdsman to the WorldTULA PROJECT PROGRESSING WELLThe Birds and no, no Just the BeesAs summer nears thoughts turn to gardens, flowers and perhaps, bees - at least for Ear! Gilbey of Keswick Ridge Road who, for the past 15 years or so, has been an avid beekeeper. This work, he says, is most relaxing and rewarding while he speaks most highly of his little friends. A colony of bees makes between 400 and 500 pounds of honey each year but uses most· of thisA Woodsman With RootsSchool Board ChatterFLASHES FROM YOUR L.S.DKATHY'S KITCHENBIRD TALKKESWICK 865 DIVISION ST. JOHN AMBULANCEKeswick Ridge SchoolNews & Views Mia Boyce
Vol. 12 No.5 - June 1992 Jun 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 12 No.5 (1992) June1992Larry Jewett's Bovine Waiting RoomHerdsman to the WorldTULA PROJECT PROGRESSING WELLThe Birds and no, no Just the BeesAs summer nears thoughts turn to gardens, flowers and perhaps, bees - at least for Ear! Gilbey of Keswick Ridge Road who, for the past 15 years or so, has been an avid beekeeper. This work, he says, is most relaxing and rewarding while he speaks most highly of his little friends. A colony of bees makes between 400 and 500 pounds of honey each year but uses most· of thisA Woodsman With RootsSchool Board ChatterFLASHES FROM YOUR L.S.DKATHY'S KITCHENBIRD TALKKESWICK 865 DIVISION ST. JOHN AMBULANCEKeswick Ridge SchoolNews & Views Mia Boyce