Vol. 12 No.4 - May 1992 May 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 12 No.4 (1992) May1992Master Canoe Builder, Carl Jones, of Bear IslandCANOE BUILDERS OF BEAR ISLANDITIZEN OF YEAR FETED AT GALA DINNER, RALPH STEPHENSON ROASTED Keswick Ridge community hall was the scene of a gala dinner held on March 28 in honor of the community's citizen of the year, Ralph Stephenson. If those present thought the evening was to be a seriesBIRD TALKCHEERS FOR KINGSCLEAR The newest major attraction in our area is the Kingsclear Hotel and Resort, located just above the Mactaquac dam and opened last September. The Resort, built and owned by the Kingsclear Indian BanCommunity Apathy May Signal Death of KRA After seven years of building up recreational programs and facilities in the community, the Keswick Recreation Association (KFA) appears in danger of folding. Eight resid- ents, including four rernbersSchool Board ChatterKeswick Ridge Superior School Part IICandidate Larry DelongKATHY'S KITCHENKeswick Ridge SchoolNews & ViewsKR WIWINTER DAMAGE TO STRAWBERRY CROPST. JOHN AMBULANCE KESWICK 865 DIVISION Mia Boyce
Vol. 12 No.4 - May 1992 May 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 12 No.4 (1992) May1992Master Canoe Builder, Carl Jones, of Bear IslandCANOE BUILDERS OF BEAR ISLANDITIZEN OF YEAR FETED AT GALA DINNER, RALPH STEPHENSON ROASTED Keswick Ridge community hall was the scene of a gala dinner held on March 28 in honor of the community's citizen of the year, Ralph Stephenson. If those present thought the evening was to be a seriesBIRD TALKCHEERS FOR KINGSCLEAR The newest major attraction in our area is the Kingsclear Hotel and Resort, located just above the Mactaquac dam and opened last September. The Resort, built and owned by the Kingsclear Indian BanCommunity Apathy May Signal Death of KRA After seven years of building up recreational programs and facilities in the community, the Keswick Recreation Association (KFA) appears in danger of folding. Eight resid- ents, including four rernbersSchool Board ChatterKeswick Ridge Superior School Part IICandidate Larry DelongKATHY'S KITCHENKeswick Ridge SchoolNews & ViewsKR WIWINTER DAMAGE TO STRAWBERRY CROPST. JOHN AMBULANCE KESWICK 865 DIVISION Mia Boyce