Vol. 11 No.5 - Summer 1991 Jun 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 11 No.5 (1991) Summer1991Who is that man and what is that thing??Chris Turnbull - Provincial ArchaeologistThat's Christopher Turnbull holding the oldest known artifact in New Brunswick-= a fluted point. Chris, who comes from British Columbia, studied at Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary before accepting the position of Provincial Archaeologist and moving to Fredericton, where he set up office in the Old Soldiers' Barracks. Last summer the Turnbulls moved to K.R. as Chris considers himself a New Brunswicker - especially in light of the fact that his Great-grandfather came from Stanley. Since starting work in N.B. Chris anLet's Get to the Point. Only a few signs of the first people who lived in N.B. have ever been found. This spear-point, donated in 1964 to the collection of the YorkSunbury Historical Society, is one"Keswick Ridge: Past, Present, and FutureCanada DayMactaquac United Baptist Church: 1966-91The construction of the Mactaquac Dam changed not only the physical "lay of the land", but led to the upheaval of many homes and other buildings in the 60's. Among them was the Mactaquac United Baptist Church. Twenty-five years ago, the church was relocated about two kilometers from the former site, on the Elbridge Currie property. The original site was claimedGOING TO TOWNWhen my father and mother announced that they were "going to town" it caused a flurry of excitement at our home in Bear Island in 1930-40. Town was Fredericton and the opportunity to visit tThe Value of Kindergarten PlayAlthough public kindergarten is not obligatory it appears, from early registration numbers, that most parents in our community have chosen to send their five-year olds to this program in September. A few words on the origins of the play-based curriculum and some suggested summer reading are offered hereSchool Board ChatterIt's a busy time of the year for school boards - organization of schools and classes for September, budget time, teaching positions, etc. For our District, itKATHY'S KITCHENKeswick Ridge SchoolNews & ViewsBIRD TALK During the last few weeks I have had some interesting phone calls about some uncommon birds.ST. JOHN AMBULANCE KESWICK 865 DIVISIONAsks for Community AssistanceMACTAQUAC PARKK.R. Women's InstituteKeswick Valley Short-TrackersKESWICK RIDGE ROAD WORKOrganic Growing Mia Boyce
Vol. 11 No.5 - Summer 1991 Jun 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 11 No.5 (1991) Summer1991Who is that man and what is that thing??Chris Turnbull - Provincial ArchaeologistThat's Christopher Turnbull holding the oldest known artifact in New Brunswick-= a fluted point. Chris, who comes from British Columbia, studied at Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary before accepting the position of Provincial Archaeologist and moving to Fredericton, where he set up office in the Old Soldiers' Barracks. Last summer the Turnbulls moved to K.R. as Chris considers himself a New Brunswicker - especially in light of the fact that his Great-grandfather came from Stanley. Since starting work in N.B. Chris anLet's Get to the Point. Only a few signs of the first people who lived in N.B. have ever been found. This spear-point, donated in 1964 to the collection of the YorkSunbury Historical Society, is one"Keswick Ridge: Past, Present, and FutureCanada DayMactaquac United Baptist Church: 1966-91The construction of the Mactaquac Dam changed not only the physical "lay of the land", but led to the upheaval of many homes and other buildings in the 60's. Among them was the Mactaquac United Baptist Church. Twenty-five years ago, the church was relocated about two kilometers from the former site, on the Elbridge Currie property. The original site was claimedGOING TO TOWNWhen my father and mother announced that they were "going to town" it caused a flurry of excitement at our home in Bear Island in 1930-40. Town was Fredericton and the opportunity to visit tThe Value of Kindergarten PlayAlthough public kindergarten is not obligatory it appears, from early registration numbers, that most parents in our community have chosen to send their five-year olds to this program in September. A few words on the origins of the play-based curriculum and some suggested summer reading are offered hereSchool Board ChatterIt's a busy time of the year for school boards - organization of schools and classes for September, budget time, teaching positions, etc. For our District, itKATHY'S KITCHENKeswick Ridge SchoolNews & ViewsBIRD TALK During the last few weeks I have had some interesting phone calls about some uncommon birds.ST. JOHN AMBULANCE KESWICK 865 DIVISIONAsks for Community AssistanceMACTAQUAC PARKK.R. Women's InstituteKeswick Valley Short-TrackersKESWICK RIDGE ROAD WORKOrganic Growing Mia Boyce