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History Speaks 2022: Evelyn Fidler

Join us on Sunday, April 3 from 2-3pm for our first installment in History Speaks 2022!

We are very pleased and excited to welcome Evelyn Fidler, who will be presenting "Change in the River Valley: The Mactaquac Dam and the Creation of Kings Landing".

You can join us on Zoom at:

Can't wait to see you there!

About the presentation:

In the early 1960’s, families in rural New Brunswick were becoming large consumers of electricity, but the current power grid could not keep up. The New Brunswick Electric Power Commission began plans to construct the Mactaquac Dam and the ensuing head pond.

This head pond would displace many families who had lived along the banks of the Saint John River, some for many generations.

The sixties were also building up to the centennial year of the formation of Canada. A “pioneer village” was proposed which would include many of the buildings that were expropriated. As well, this project would celebrate the rich history of New Brunswick from the Loyalists to the Victorians. This village was Kings Landing Historical Settlement.

This presentation explores this era in New Brunswick history and its impact and change for the residents of the Saint John River Valley

April 10

History Speaks 2022: Dr. Leah Grandy