Vol. 6 No.5 - Summer 1986 Jun 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 6 No.5 (1986) Our Post officeSummer1986mouth of keswickPost officeEsther FraserSearch For Caring Person Now Onthis Fall an outstanding citizen from the area will be the first recipient of a new community awardLetter of AppreciationEarthquake Warningwe were going to have an earthquake because my dog Waldo told me soa few days later an earthquake was reportedHandcrafted Trophy AnnouncedThe Keswick Recreation Association (KRA) has announced the establishment of a trophy to honor the top team in the annual Oland--Mactaquac Bass TournamentHandcrafted of New Brunswick wood by David Brigham of Crock's PointBass Tournament PlannedTwin Buildings Add Rustic CharmJohn Irvine's Mactaquac Shell is experiencing a major rebuildMactaquac Lake Tradin' Post.This Summer at the ParkMACTAQUAC PARKWoolastookNew BuildingTO DRINK DOR NOT TO DRINK MILKKESWICK RIDGE SCHOOLcookingChildren's Book ReviewThe New Brunswick Ground Search and Rescue Assocation was formed as the result of two searches for lost people in early 1982rcmpBig Community Day PlannedFire Chief's ReportfireKeswick Ridge Fire DepartmentKRFD4H NewsBIZARRE HUNTING ACCIDENT FROM THE PAST Mia Boyce
Vol. 6 No.5 - Summer 1986 Jun 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 6 No.5 (1986) Our Post officeSummer1986mouth of keswickPost officeEsther FraserSearch For Caring Person Now Onthis Fall an outstanding citizen from the area will be the first recipient of a new community awardLetter of AppreciationEarthquake Warningwe were going to have an earthquake because my dog Waldo told me soa few days later an earthquake was reportedHandcrafted Trophy AnnouncedThe Keswick Recreation Association (KRA) has announced the establishment of a trophy to honor the top team in the annual Oland--Mactaquac Bass TournamentHandcrafted of New Brunswick wood by David Brigham of Crock's PointBass Tournament PlannedTwin Buildings Add Rustic CharmJohn Irvine's Mactaquac Shell is experiencing a major rebuildMactaquac Lake Tradin' Post.This Summer at the ParkMACTAQUAC PARKWoolastookNew BuildingTO DRINK DOR NOT TO DRINK MILKKESWICK RIDGE SCHOOLcookingChildren's Book ReviewThe New Brunswick Ground Search and Rescue Assocation was formed as the result of two searches for lost people in early 1982rcmpBig Community Day PlannedFire Chief's ReportfireKeswick Ridge Fire DepartmentKRFD4H NewsBIZARRE HUNTING ACCIDENT FROM THE PAST Mia Boyce