Vol. 11 No.7 - November 1991 Nov 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 11 No.7 (1991) November1991Remembrance DayWWII Veterans - Ed and Leona KeenanVeterans Look Back In RemembranceThe subject of Remembrance Day is once again upon us and to commemorate the war years I thought that an interview with not one, but two Air Force veterans of W.W. 11 might be appropriate. However, let me clarify just one thing- these veterans happen to be a gentleman and a lady - and notWinter at Mactaquac ParkKESWICK RIDGE ROADFriends of the Environment We, the 1st Mact aquac Girl Guides, picked up garbage from tExemplary Servlce MedalYoung Hockey Star Attends Camp9-year-old Stewart Sarchfield. On June 7 Stewart's mom Leota, received a phone call fromFIRE DAMAGERemembrance ay ServiceGordon Currie, Keswick Ridge Road, suffered serious loss when the workshop where he conducts his upholstering business was destroyed by fire early in October.ST. JOHN AMBULANCE - KESWICK 865 DIVISIONSchool Board Chatterindergarten is up and running to mostly favorable reviews. Generally everyone seems pleased with the space, equipment, books, cooperation, etc. In all, 695 new students have been added to District 26 through kindergarten start-up. With the novelty now levelling off, concern has arisen over class sizesKATHY'S KITCHENKeswick Ridge SchoolNews & ViewsBird TalkMac taquac CribbageMrs. Annie Delucry HonoredEd and LeonaWhat You Always Wanted ToKnow About ColdinjurlesBut Were Too Busy Shivering To AskKR WOMEN'S INSTITUTEAPPLE CROP Mia Boyce
Vol. 11 No.7 - November 1991 Nov 1 Written By Mia Boyce Click here to view The Keswick Exchange Vol. 11 No.7 (1991) November1991Remembrance DayWWII Veterans - Ed and Leona KeenanVeterans Look Back In RemembranceThe subject of Remembrance Day is once again upon us and to commemorate the war years I thought that an interview with not one, but two Air Force veterans of W.W. 11 might be appropriate. However, let me clarify just one thing- these veterans happen to be a gentleman and a lady - and notWinter at Mactaquac ParkKESWICK RIDGE ROADFriends of the Environment We, the 1st Mact aquac Girl Guides, picked up garbage from tExemplary Servlce MedalYoung Hockey Star Attends Camp9-year-old Stewart Sarchfield. On June 7 Stewart's mom Leota, received a phone call fromFIRE DAMAGERemembrance ay ServiceGordon Currie, Keswick Ridge Road, suffered serious loss when the workshop where he conducts his upholstering business was destroyed by fire early in October.ST. JOHN AMBULANCE - KESWICK 865 DIVISIONSchool Board Chatterindergarten is up and running to mostly favorable reviews. Generally everyone seems pleased with the space, equipment, books, cooperation, etc. In all, 695 new students have been added to District 26 through kindergarten start-up. With the novelty now levelling off, concern has arisen over class sizesKATHY'S KITCHENKeswick Ridge SchoolNews & ViewsBird TalkMac taquac CribbageMrs. Annie Delucry HonoredEd and LeonaWhat You Always Wanted ToKnow About ColdinjurlesBut Were Too Busy Shivering To AskKR WOMEN'S INSTITUTEAPPLE CROP Mia Boyce