Store Interior

A Work in Progress…

A representation of the McKeen Corner store is continuously in the works to bring it back to its once well-known atmosphere. This involves in-depth research on artifacts, interviews with members of the community, and deep dives into sources to find snippets of information.

Our timeline of focus is between 1930 and 1950.

We have been working hard to fill the shelves with cans and bottles of goods that were once sold between the 1930s and the 1950s, many of which have their own unique histories that are fascinating to uncover!

Our next priority is reconstructing the old post office that once occupied the front left of the building.

The post office was a significant portion of the general store, allowing people in the community to not only collect their mail but also to gather and socialize.

If you or anyone you know has any information on the post office or the store (memories, photos, documents, etc.), please contact us here: